A slight pause

As I am gearing up to costume as Claudia’s other alter ego, Val Mal Doran from Stargate for Creation Con, Aeryn has been left sitting on my sewing table for a couple more weeks.

More than likely I’ll be working on finishing the hand stitching of leather on the vest panels that weekend we’re at the con/during the travel time (I don’t always sit still very well). I plan to have it together for RocCon next month (is it really going to be September already?).

AND on top of getting that finished, I have a few weapons to finish too. At the suggestion of my buddy Chanky, I put a rare Earth magnet in the pulse pistol so it will stay in my holster. I’m working on filling in the hole and repainting currently. A beautiful pulse rifle kit also appeared at my door (you rock Rich!) and I’m looking forward to getting that together too.

Why can’t we have a four day work with with a three day weekend all the time? Or better yet, at three day work week! lol