About Frellin Time!

Lots of excitement last week, well, maybe excitement isn’t the exact right word, but lots going on. My wee one’s daycare was on vacation last week so my full time ‘grown-up’ job became part time for a week as I took care of her with the help of some family. It worked out well, but it was hard to think about going back to a full week of the ‘grown-up’ job when I got to spend time with my little princess and enjoy some nice weather last week.


The missing vest panels have returned!

So I say all that to talk about my Season 1 Aeryn vest that I’ve been dragging my feet finishing. One of the days last week, my mom took care of my daughter for the morning and I knew by the time I got off work to finish the rest of the day (you know, so my mom could go to her job) my daughter would be napping. The night before I decided to pack up my tote with the vest and just bit the bullet and make the two new panels to replace the lost ones. The more I looked at the leather I got under different lights, the more annoyed I grew. I knew it wasn’t going to be much of an issue that the finish was different because these were on the front, the other are the back and most people wouldn’t notice. I also knew it would drive me nuts, so I resigned myself to the fact that I may have to redo the back as well in order to keep myself happy. I packed the bag and saw a small box near my sewing machine and thought I would check and see if the pattern I used was in there so I’d have it for reference.   Well, upon digging down to the bottom of the box, that I’d looked in at least three times already, there were my two missing panels folded up nice and neat.  I would have let out a scream of joy but my daughter was asleep. And I swear, they were not in there before.

The next day, instead of taking a much needed nap, I got back to work. In a short period of time, I got quite a bit done. I have to trim the shoulders, nip in the sides a bit I think to give it a little more shape and then stick the lining in it.

The front of the vest, still a bit to go but at least everything is together now and in one place.  ;-)

The front of the vest, still a bit to go but at least everything is together now and in one place. 😉

After that’s done, I get the pleasure of probably hand sewing down most of the trim around the entire vest. Still am thinking this through, but I will probably do it that way to pressure the shape of the trim and hopefully make it look crisper. So far so good. I’d have like to stolen some more time to work on it this weekend but it wasn’t in the cards.

View of one of the front sides of the vest with the panels together and trim in place

View of one of the front sides of the vest with the panels together and trim in place

My goal (again this year, haha) is to have this done for Niagara Falls Comic Con in June. I would love to wear Vala (Stargate) for that as well but we’ll probably only go one day and I hear the lines are terrible to get in and out (and I’m not the type to carry a backpack with a change of cloths around the con with me). With that said,  I’m really excited to finish this and have something a little different to wear.

Back of the vest, not a great picture but you get the idea

Back of the vest, not a great picture but you get the idea

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